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Puppy Condro
Puppy Condro Active is a food created for puppies, to support their joint metabolism in case of osteoarthritis.
Weight Control
Weight Control Active is a complete food for adult dogs to reduce excess body weight.
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Renal Active is a complete food for adult dogs to support their kidney function in case of chronic kidney failure.
Intestinal Colon Fase 2
Intestinal Colon fase 2 is a complete dietetic food for adult dogs for the reduction of acute intestinal absorption disorders and to compensate for digestive difficulties.
DIABETIC Weight control
A complete dietetic dry food for dogs for regulating the glycemic curve and glucose supply (diabetes mellitus) and for improving pancreatic performance, thanks to the hypoglycaemic effect. Ideal for reducing your dog's food intolerances and at the same time to satisfy every nutritional need. it is recommended to seek the advice of a veterinarian before use.